Product code: PF1-06-00145

Barndoor do Fresnela

Barndoor do Fresnela Barndoor do Fresnela
Barndoor for Fresnel with four pockets enabling precise directing of the lighting beam to the places we want to illuminate.
This solution allows for a perfect presentation of the illuminated place while directing the light beam.
Durable, easy to install and stable structure.

Product photos whose specifications speak for themselves. Check out what Barndoor do Fresnela looks like in action.

TheflashPROvideo section is a great place to learn about the capabilities of our product. Check what your light can look like! Below are some examples of implementations using Barndoor do Fresnela

Physical parameters
Housing type Aluminium
Housing type Steel
Fixing Mounting hole
Housing color Black
Length [cm] 32
Width [cm] 48
Height [cm] 3,4
Weight [kg] 0,8
Contents of the package
A kind of package Cardboard
Other Features

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